Computational physicist at Caltech in numerical relativity, computational astrophysics, and high-performance computing. Developing the next generation of massively parallel simulations of black holes. Also passionate about software development, design, data visualisation and teaching.

I changed my last name from Fischer to Vu in 2022.

Recent publications

Lovelace, Nelli, Deppe, Vu, et al. (2024). Simulating binary black hole mergers using discontinuous Galerkin methods. Submitted to Class. Quantum Grav. arXiv:2410.00265.

Vu (2024). A discontinuous Galerkin scheme for elliptic equations on extremely stretched grids. Accepted in Phys. Rev. D. arXiv:2405.06120.

Chen, Boyle, Deppe, Kidder, et al. (2024). Improved frequency spectra of gravitational waves with memory in a binary-black-hole simulation. Phys. Rev. D 110, 6, p. 064049. arXiv:2405.06197.

Ma, Nelli, Moxon, Scheel, et al. (2024). Einstein-Klein-Gordon system via Cauchy-characteristic evolution: Computation of memory and ringdown tail. arXiv:2409.06141.

Zertuche, Stein, Mitman, Field, et al. (2024). High-Precision Ringdown Surrogate Model for Non-Precessing Binary Black Holes. arXiv:2408.05300.

Lara, Pfeiffer, Wittek, Vu, et al. (2024). Scalarization of isolated black holes in scalar Gauss-Bonnet theory in the fixing-the-equations approach. Phys. Rev. D 110, 2, p. 024033. arXiv:2403.08705.

Deppe, Foucart, Bonilla, Boyle, et al. (2024). Binary neutron star mergers using a discontinuous Galerkin-finite difference hybrid method. arXiv:2406.19038.

Nee, Lara, Pfeiffer, and Vu (2024). Quasistationary hair for binary black hole initial data in scalar Gauss-Bonnet gravity. Submitted to Phys. Rev. D. arXiv:2406.08410.

Ma, Moxon, Scheel, Nelli, et al. (2024). Fully relativistic three-dimensional Cauchy-characteristic matching for physical degrees of freedom. Phys. Rev. D 109, 12, p. 124027. arXiv:2308.10361.

Clarke, Isi, Lasky, Thrane, et al. (2024). Toward a self-consistent framework for measuring black hole ringdowns. Phys. Rev. D 109, 12, p. 124030. arXiv:2402.02819.

Recent side projects

Visualization of a black hole scattering and capture event

A visualization I created in 2024.

Rendering of a simulation with two black holes that scatter and then merge, emitting gravitational waves.

Visualization of GW190521

A visualization I created in 2020.

Renderings of the particulary high-mass gravitational-wave event measured by LIGO and Virgo on May 21, 2019.

Visualization of GW190814

A visualization I created in 2020.

Renderings of the highly unequal-mass gravitational-wave event measured by LIGO and Virgo on Aug 14, 2019.

Visualization of GW190412

A visualization I created in 2020.

Widely publicized renderings of the first unequal-mass and precessing gravitational-wave event measured by LIGO and Virgo on Apr 12, 2019.