A prototyping code I created in 2021 with Python, published under the MIT license.
Python library to prototype spectral and discontinuous Galerkin methods methods for solving elliptic partial differential equations.
From README.md in the nilsvu/dgpy GitHub repository:
Python library to solve elliptic partial differential equations with
discontinous Galerkin (DG) schemes. The purpose of this library is to prototype
elliptic DG schemes for the SpECTRE code.
provides tools to construct rectilinear domains in 1, 2 or 3 dimensions,
implement elliptic DG schemes on Legendre-Gauss-Lobatto and Legendre-Gauss
grids, solve them with iterative algorithms and visualize the results.
git clone
this repository to your machine.pip install -e /path/to/repository
to install in editable mode, i.e. where changes to the repository are reflected in thepip
installation, or omit the-e
to install in user mode.
Getting started
Read through the walkthrough notebook to get started: